Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A few LO's of our honeymoon...

I will slowly make my way through our honeymoon photos as well. These are harder for me, since there are a lot of landscapes and waterfalls and food. There are also a lot of stories to go with them as well as a very important order to put them in...But I do have a few pages done, so enjoy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another batch of Scrapbook Pages

Happy Valentines Day! We hope you are celebrating the love in your lives today, we sure are! Here's another batch of pages for you to look at!

And this might be my most favorite ever so far:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Scrapping Fun...

Alright, here are some more pages - this time the theme is Adam...more to come!

This is one of my favorites!

Monday, February 9, 2009

I've been keeping busy!

For those who don't know, I have become ADDICTED to digital scrapbooking. I spend just about every free moment at the computer creating pages. It's so much quicker and cleaner then using paper and glue, and much easier to share my work with you! (hehe, that rhymed!) 

I have finished a ton of pages since the last time I posted....and will share some of them over the next few posts! 

First up, wedding lay outs! I want to have our wedding album done by our second anniversary, so I have about 18 months to go! 

and one engagement picture one...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

All together now, Awwwww......

I like cards. My only rule around here (ok, I have a lot of rules....) is that I must get a card from Adam and Mike on my birthday, from Mike on our anniversary and v-day and one from Adam on Mother's Day. Other holidays can go by without one, but these things demand a card.

This year for my birthday, Adam was able to actually write letters in my card, and I will cherish this one forever:

The outside of the envelope: 

The inside:

Daddy told him what letters he needed to write, but he did the writing all by himself. This was really the best birthday present ever.