Friday, July 25, 2008

Playdough at Grandma's

I mentioned last post that I was recently in a wedding. I was actually the Maid of Honor, so the events kept me busy. I didnt' want to have to be a mom that night, so we shipped Adam off to Grandma Carol's house for some big fun! She took him to Underwater Adventures and let him play with playdough. Nothing like being spoiled at Grandma's! (Playdough does not come out at our house, I don't want to be picking it out of the carpet for years to come!)

Look at how hard he's concentrating on cutting that dough! I want to go to Grandma's house and play with him!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Man, it's been awhile! We have been a very busy family! I was in a wedding a couple of weeks ago, and it took awhile to recover, then a friend's birthday party - not to mention all of the crazy last minute wedding plans. But, stressful days aside, we still find time to have a great time with our nearly three year old little bucket of fun!

The other day, we decided to play some football. (Daddy's the one who encourages him to throw balls in the house, but only certain ones are for inside play!)

We try to not use the AC very often, but we open the sliding door and let the fan blow to circulate the air. Those of you who have been inside our apartment know that we can't get any cross ventilation. Adam thinks it's fun to let the fan make him fat and to talk into it and say "I am a robot!"

I think we have a little construction worker on our hands, he loves to play with his tools. He was fixing mommy's cheeks with the drill. When I was all better - I was stuck with a kiss face!

But it always comes back to sports - tackling daddy and waiting to make the big catch for a touchdown! Always fun and games at our house

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Monumental 4th of July

As parents, we have learned that there is a first time for everything - from the first smile to the first  steps to the first we experienced yesterday: The First Throw Up. I should have known something was wrong, Adam slept in until almost 9 before I went to wake him (he's normally up by 7) and was very cranky and not very interested in eating. 

About 20 minutes later, I heard him gagging so I spun around and watched as my baby's breakfast came up. I won't go into details, but other then the spit up occasions as a baby, he had never done this before. I am not sure why or where it came from, since he behaved fine for the rest of the day and wasn't acting sick. He did have his tired moments though - and we decided not to keep him up for fireworks, in case he really was sick. He was pretty cute cuddling daddy on the couch and relaxing for most of the day though!