Sunday, July 19, 2009

Poor Adam!

We had quite an eventful week. It started last Saturday - a week ago - with Adam playing with some rocks on the patio and he ended up banging his pinky with a rock. It wasn't pretty, but seemed to me like a typically little boy injury. I didn't think about it at all, until Thursday.

Thursday morning Adam woke up and told me "My mouth hurts mommy." He felt a little warm, but I chalked it up to the slightly infected cut on his pinky and the sore mouth, well he probably slept with his mouth open. We got ready, dropped Adam off at Daycare and I headed off to work. I made it about a 1/2 mile before "mom instinct" kicked in and I pulled a U-ie and picked Adam up and headed to Urgent Care.

Turns out, Adam has strep throat (poor kid) and, since we were there, I had the doc take a peek at the finger....BROKEN! Who woulda thought! So Adam's on 10 days of antibiotics for the strep and to help avoid a bone infection in his finger - and he gets to wear a Bobafett (aka: Splint) on his finger for a week too to help it heal.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where have I been?

Man! I can't believe I've let this blog go for so long! I'll try to get better! No promises....

Things in our workd have been busy &, hectic but good. Summer brings out a very tired little boy most days, and mom and dad are feeling the same. We've had a lot of excitement going on around us. At the end of June one of Mike's good friends had a baby, so we squeezed in a few visits with the little guy. What a cutie!

Jeff came into town for Father's Day and again for the 4th. We enjoyed our visit with him, and even had a chance for the four of us (Jeff, Mike, Joelle and I) to all go bowling together! (Thanks Grandma Carol for watching Adam!)

The week before the 4th Mike got an abcessed tooth and the poor guy was so miserable! I have never seen him in so much pain. The infection decided to make itself comfy in the roof of his mouth, I won't go into details but it's still there and not pretty! Mike ended up missing all of the July 4th Fun - but I still made sure Adam had a good time doing fireworks with his uncles and spending the night at Grandma Wendy's.

Adam is having a blast at the summer program at Daycare. They do so many great activities with the kids! Last week, they had the Zoomobile and my brave little man touched a trantula (Ewwww!) , armadillo, parrot and chinchilla. I can't believe in a few short weeks (7) he'll be FOUR! Where has the time gone?

As for me, I've been busy with my scrapbooking. I recently opened up my own store and have been selling my designs to make a little money for having fun with! I am almost caught up with our 2007 scrapbook, my goal is to have it ready to share at Christmas time! I am learning more each day and wish I could do this full time instead of my day-job. Mike puts up with a lot from me with the scrap stuff, it does take a lot of time, but in the end it's worth it as I make a name for myself and continue to grow my business :) Maybe someday I will be able to do it full time!

Alright, I'll leave you with a couple of recent photos - but you know where to find them all, right?

Mike and I at our Game of Love this year (Twins vs. Yankees) it was our 5th Game of Love

We got Adam a T-Ball set and he LOVES it! Our little All Star!